Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Abused by the Adoption System, who cares ?!

No help for stolen adoptees

Arthur Gorrie | 24th December 2010

ADOPTIVE children's advocate Kerri Saint, of Imbil, says help is available for people wrongly institutionalised as children, such as Gympie's Ken Bland.

White Australians Stolen Heritage founder Kerri Saint (right) with supporter Robyn Street.

Craig Warhurst

ADOPTIVE children’s advocate Kerri Saint, of Imbil, says help is available for people wrongly institutionalised as children, such as Gympie’s Ken Bland.

But, she says, there is still no help and still has not been any apology for the group to which she belongs, kids stolen from their parents and adopted out.

Mr Bland came to The Gympie Times in response to Ms Saint’s story, published last week.

Both told of horrific abuse at the hands of carers forced on them by state intervention after they were kidnapped by child welfare workers from loving but low-income homes.

Ms Saint, who says few realise that the distinct concerns of adoptees have never been addressed or compensated, said Mr bland may not realise the help, in the form of counselling and financial compensation, which may be available to him.

“There is free counselling and compensation payments of anything from $3000 up to the highest I’m aware of, $37,000.

“That’s for people who were abused in the course of institutional or foster care, people who were wards of the state or under guardianship.

“They can contact the Ford Foundation at Lotus Place in Brisbane on 38 44 0966 or freecall 1800 035 588 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1800 035 588 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or its website www.fordfoundation.org.au’.

“But still nothing has been done for kids stolen from their parents for adoption and they are the people who are the subject of the Senate Inquiry (which is taking submissions up to February 28.””

Anyone wanting help with a submission can contact Kerri on 54 84 5949.

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