Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Media love adoptive parents

The voice of adopters prevail

Prospective adopters pleading for quick and fast adoptions. Also in the Dutch media (prospective) adopters are presented. Until now, adoptee expert(s) are 'banned' from the stage. Only those who are willing to tell their own personal story seem to be welcome to connect adoption with actual news.

It seems , that only adopters are the experts and adult adoptee experts in the field do not exist. 9 o f 10 television programs show meanings of adopters instead to listen to adoptees and their experiences.

Objective news is hard to get as it seems while many (prospective) adopters and their families and relatives also working at media and editor boards and can select the information in the way they want.

Warnings from History repeat itself

Prospective adopters focussing on Haiti say that the orphanages should be emptied as soon as possible so new groups of children can be hosted and of course adopted. The adopters create a new chain of adoption without asking themselves what will happen once these children grow older.

Studies from and about adult adoptees show multiple trauma's especially due to these kind of adoptions. The present adopters play down these facts as not relevant. They use their adoptees, most times not aware to be produced as mascots to create more adoptions, to proof their righteousness.

High penetration rate in media and decision making levels

The biggest issue is, that many decision makers, lawyers, scientists, churches and relevant civil servants many times are part of the adoption chain and work for the adoption industry. This is one of the reasons why the myth of adoption and concepts of adoption is build
and continued.

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