Rabu, 30 September 2009

Sixteen Vietnamese medical and charity workers went on trial

Sixteen Vietnamese medical and charity workers went on trial Tuesday for committing fraud in 266 adoptions of local children by foreign parents.

The accused allegedly took money from adoption agencies to create fake documents enabling foreigners to adopt the children, said Ngo Tien Hung, vice president of the People's Court in the southern province of Nam Dinh. The United States and several other countries have halted adoptions of Vietnamese children because of widespread fraud by Vietnamese adoption agencies. A revision of Vietnam's adoption law is pending in the country's National Assembly.

A report last year by the US embassy detailed a practice of falsely claiming that children had been abandoned by their parents to simplify adoption procedures. Some parents were paid by adoption agencies to allow their children to be listed as abandoned while in other cases children were given away against their parents' wishes. The defendants face charges of "abuse of official position." If convicted, Hung said, they would face five to 15 years in prison. The court was expected to return a verdict at the beginning of next week.

Celstraffen Vietnamezen voor adoptiefraude

ANP - 29.09.2009 Volkskrant

HANOI - Zes Vietnamezen zijn dinsdag veroordeeld tot celstraffen van 2 tot 4,5 jaar voor het regelen van ruim driehonderd frauduleuze adopties. Tien andere aangeklaagden hebben voorwaardelijke gevangenisstraffen gekregen.

De veroordeelden waren onder meer werkzaam als leidinggevenden van welzijnscentra en als verpleegkundigen en artsen. Ze zijn schuldig bevonden aan het vervalsen van documenten.

Kinderen van arme Vietnamezen werden voor adoptie aangeboden in onder meer Frankrijk, Italië en de Verenigde Staten. In de vervalste papieren stond ten onrechte dat de kinderen door hun ouders in de steek waren gelaten. Hierdoor konden de kinderen voor adoptie door buitenlanders in aanmerking komen.

Geen straf voor illegale adoptie Filipijnen

ANP - 29.09.2009 Volkskrant/Leeuwarder Courant

LEEUWARDEN - Een 56-jarige politieman en zijn 48-jarige vrouw hebben dinsdag van de rechtbank in Leeuwarden geen straf opgelegd gekregen wegens een illegale adoptie. Het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) eiste twee weken geleden anderhalf jaar cel, waarvan zes maanden voorwaardelijk, omdat het echtpaar een klein Filipijns meisje illegaal zou hebben geadopteerd vanuit haar thuisland.

De vrouw, zelf van oorsprong Filipijnse, kreeg in 2006 het meisje in haar handen gedrukt bij een bezoek aan de Filipijnen. In overleg met haar Friese echtgenoot besloot ze het kind mee te nemen naar Nederland.

De zaak kwam vorig jaar aan het licht toen de man het meisje in de gemeente Leeuwarden wilde inschrijven. De man zou hebben gedaan alsof hij en zijn vrouw de biologische ouders van het kind waren. Het meisje bleek een Filipijns paspoort te hebben, dus lag een Nederlands ouderschap niet voor de hand.


Dutch Court in Leeuwarden (Province, Friesland) decided in favour of couple who trafficked a child for 'illegal' adoption. The Public Prosecutor asked for imprisonment for 18 months (6 months conditional). But the court decided differently and said that it was in the best interest of the child to be taken and that there was no evidence that the couple did not take care of the child.

Even though the man, a 56 year old policeman, tried to pursue identity embezzlement by stating at the town hall, that the child was his, was not sentenced.

With this - non legal - argument the court decided again, that childtrafficking is acceptable in cases of adoption. As long the gap in international criminal law, and thus also in the Netherlands, is not changed, many of these cases will keep appearing. Till now the Netherlands had at least 10 of these cases last few years. And in 99% of these cases the people who are the offenders, could keep the child as a revenue of their actions. For others, this does indulge them to do the same. An incentive, covered by law.

The UAI asked the Ministry of Justice (Central Authority) about this case, but they stated that they were not informed about this. Also the National (HQ) of Council of Childprotection was not informed about this case.

Senin, 28 September 2009

Children's Right Alliance seeks urgent ratification

Children's Righs Alliance seeks urgent ratification of the Hague Adoption Treaty

CAROL COULTER Legal Affairs Editor - 28.09.2009

THE CHILDREN’S Rights Alliance has called for the urgent ratification by Ireland of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoptions in the light of the lapsing of a bilateral adoption agreement between Ireland and Vietnam.

It said a recent Vietnamese government’s report on adoption “makes for worrying reading” and expressed concern that the adoption system can fall foul to criminal activity. The alliance is a coalition of over 90 non-governmental organisations campaigning on children’s rights in Ireland.

“The Children’s Rights Alliance acknowledges the personal stress and upset that any change in inter-country adoption procedures has on prospective adoptive parents,” its chief executive Jillian van Turnhout said in a statement.

“Adoption is a pathway to realising a child’s right to grow up in a family. When discussing adoption, we rightly focus on the story of prospective adoptive parents, but often we lose sight of the fact that adoption is about children, their rights and needs,” she said.

“Unfortunately, the adoption system can fall foul to criminal activity, including corruption and the sale or trafficking of children. It is thus critical that a rigorous verification process be put in place for all adoptions. At present, the Irish adoption system has different levels of safeguards for national and international adoptions. > read more <

According to Dutch Law system, Madeleine, should stay whit the ones who stole her

The name Madeleine McCann does not require much explanation for many people. Who does not remember the disappearance of this British girl who still is not found. It looks that she disappeared without trace while on holiday with her parents in Portugal in May 2007

The investigation into the circumstances has long been a dead end, but miracles happen sometimes and it cannot be excluded that this girl will suddenly be found alive tomorrow or several years from now .

At least this happened to an Indian couple in 2007 after their son 'Rahul', who was stolen years before, appeared to have been sold to an orphanage and adopted by a Dutch couple.

Similar stories of Chinese parents whose children were taken and were offered for adoption appeared in the international press, also in the Dutch media these stories where published (VK, August 19).

In a response about the question how to deal with these kind of abuses of children, the Dutch Minister of Justice, Ernst Hirsch Ballin, answered, that in all cases if it would appear that the Netherlands adopted children from China have been looted from the parents, that the importance of the child's interest shall prevail.

He wants to determine whether or not there a bonding relationship has been achieved between the child and the adoptive parents and whether a breach of this relationship with the adoptive parents this development will harm the child (Appendix Acts II 2008/09, no 7163 ).

A similar answer to the question of Madeleine, if she would have been found, should be reunited with her parents, or that it might be better for her to stay with the people where she resided since her disappearance, and with whom she now has an emotional bond and feels attached to, would most probably cause greater storm of publicity over the disappearance of the girl herself.

This raises the question what the difference is between this girl and the Indian and Chinese children whom also illegally have been removed from their parents. Why is the reunification with their child for the Indian and Chinese parents not the same as to the parents of Madeleine?

In the public debate about adoption, the adoptees should be seen and heard more. This seems all the more applicable to (biological) parents.

In India, Rahul's parents still wait every day to the return of their son, also do many parents in China. Obviously not every child named carries Madeleine McCann.

Ime Vreken, Den Haag

Sr. Legal Counselor and adopted from South Korea

Source: Volkskrant August 22, 2009

Note UAI

Since the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption Members do not want to pursue a change in the international criminal law, stealing children for adoption is not forbidden, while the receiving country, and since the sending countries gain money with this, also they concur the statement, that it is in the best interest of children, stealing children for adoption is allowed. Only fraud and money laundering regarding adoption is punishable. Not the crime itself. Mister Cross from the CIA confirms this in his presentation regarding his investigation in childtrafficking in Cambodia.


Madeleine zou volgens justitie bij roofouders moeten blijven

De naam Madeleine McCann zal bij velen geen toelichting behoeven. Wie herinnert zich niet de spoorloze verdwijning van dit Britse meisje tijdens de vakantie met haar ouders in Portugal in mei 2007?

Het onderzoek naar de toedracht is al geruime tijd op een dood spoor beland, maar wonderen gebeuren soms en niet uitgesloten kan worden dat dit meisje morgen of over een aantal jaren opeens levend wordt teruggevonden.

Zo kwam een Indiaas echtpaar er in 2007 achter dat hun zoon Rahul die jaren daarvoor was ontvoerd, bleek te zijn doorverkocht aan een kindertehuis en uiteindelijk via adoptie bij een Nederlands echtpaar terecht was gekomen.

Vergelijkbare verhalen van Chinese ouders van wie de kinderen waren afgenomen en voor adoptie waren aangeboden, doken dit jaar in de media op (Binnenland, 19 augustus).
Op een naar aanleiding van die misstanden gestelde vraag aan minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin van Justitie wat hij voornemens was te doen, indien blijkt dat in Nederland geadopteerde kinderen in China van de ouders zijn geroofd heeft de minister geantwoord dat hij het belang van het kind voorop stelt.

Hij wil bepalend laten zijn in hoeverre er reeds een hechtingsrelatie tussen het kind en de adoptiefouders tot stand is gekomen en of een verbreking van deze relatie met de adoptiefouders de verdere ontwikkeling van het kind zal schaden (Aanhangsel Handelingen II 2008/09, nr. 7163).

Een vergelijkbaar antwoord op de vraag of Madeleine, indien zij wordt teruggevonden, herenigd zou moeten worden met haar ouders, of dat het wellicht beter voor haar is bij de mensen te blijven bij wie zij sinds haar verdwijning heeft verbleven en met wie zij inmiddels een emotionele band heeft opgebouwd, zou hoogstwaarschijnlijk een grotere storm van publiciteit veroorzaken dan de verdwijning van het meisje zelf.

Dit roept de vraag op wat het verschil is tussen dit meisje en de Indiase en Chinese kinderen die ook op illegale wijze bij hun ouders zijn weggenomen. Waarom is de hereniging met hun kind voor de Indiase en Chinese ouders niet van dezelfde vanzelfsprekendheid als bij de ouders van Madeleine?

In het maatschappelijk debat over adoptie zouden de geadopteerden meer gehoord en gezien moeten worden. Dit lijkt echter des te meer te gelden voor de (biologische) ouders.
In India wachten de ouders van Rahul nog elke dag op de terugkomst van hun zoon, talloze ouders in China ook. Klaarblijkelijk heet niet elk kind Madeleine McCann.

Ime Vreken, Den Haag

Jurist en geadopteerd uit Zuid-Korea

Bron: Volkskrant 22 augustus 2009


K & T Mediation from U.S.

United States: regular mediation

Dutch Adoption Foundation, Future Child completed US contracts for the conduct of regular procedures with:

  • Illien Adoptions International
  • VIDA
  • Advocates for Children and Families
  • Family Resource Center.

For entering into contracts with a few other US accredited organizations are consultations at an advanced stage.

Both Illien Adoptions International and VIDA mainly children are eligible for adoption from the foster care system, where they often temporary but cannot stay for a long placement. These are children are approximately 4.5 years. There are regularly triblings and siblings available. All forms of impending parenthood are accepted.

Via Advocates for Children and Families and Family Resource Center mainly young children are offered which cannot be placed within the U.S. and are available for international adoption.

Advocates for Children cannot accept requests of same sex couples, since the Florida State law does not permit such adoptions.

The Family Resource Center has however indicated that they only occasionally have the opportunity to place a child with couples of the same sex. Due preference by the biological parent (s).

From all prospective adoptive parents are expected to master the English language.

Statement Adoption Agency World Children after Resignation of Ina Hut

The resignation of Ina Hut, as director of World Children (Wereldkinderen) due the television broadcast of the Network program, created many responses.

World Children has noted the announcement that the Ministry of Justice agrees with further research in China. In consultation with the Ministry it will be investigate how the coming research of World Children can answer outstanding questions as far as possible. Within the framework of international treaties and domestic legislation will be seen how the additional research can be pursued.

World Children will remain in dialogue with the Ministry of Justice and other concerned parties to highlight the importance of openness on background information to and to prevent any abuses. Knowing the background of the child is the first step in determining whether the adoption assistance does fits the child and is also indispensable for adoptees and their adoptive families.

Wereldkinderen finds that growing up in a loving family is preferable than growing up in an orphanage. There are many children in Chinese orphanages. That is a fact.

Pending the investigation regarding ongoing adoptions in China will be continued, but new applications for healthy children will not be purseud.

World Children continues to focus on adoption of children who need special care.

K & T stops Partial Mediation from U.S.

On Monday, Aug
ust 24 Foundation Children and Future (stichting Kind en Toekomst) informed both Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldstein. Tara Gutterman (ARC) that the foundation will end all efforts to come to an agreement for regular adoption procedures.

After many years of negotiations Kind & Toekomst could come to the conclusion that the request for transparency and openness in communication were inadequate to continue the contact for adoptions.

Kind and Toekomst says that with the above conclusion it cannot be longer responsible for finding an agreement to pursue and contract for regular adoptions.

However the Foundation will finalize all current procedures for partial mediation with Michael Goldstein adn ARC.

All stakeholders have also been informed.

Pending are 61 letters concerning Partial mediation through ARC and 45 letters by Michael Goldstein.

Merger Adoption Agencies in the Netherlands

The Foundation FLASH will hand over their activitities to the NAS. Flash said that due the stricter and complicated regulations they are not able to continue adoptions as before.

The NAS is relatively a new player in the adoption field. The NAS is representing many 'modern prospective adoption parents' who believe in partial mediation and so-called doing-self adoptions.

Minggu, 27 September 2009

Doctors And Nurses 'Sold Hundreds Of Babies'

The sixteen defendants are charged with "abuse of power and authority" and face up to 10 years in prison.

Among them are the head of two social welfare centres in Nam Dinh province as well as several doctors and nurses at village clinics.

They allegedly solicited infants from unmarried mothers and desperately poor families and falsified documents claiming the babies had been abandoned at village clinics.

This made them eligible for adoption.

It is alleged the ring sent 266 babies for foreign adoption between 2005 and July 2008 - although the nationality of the adoptive parents is not known.

The defendants are said to have earned up to $550 (£338) each.

Vietnam and the US, one of the country's largest recipients of children for adoption, have yet to renew an adoption agreement which expired in September.

In April last year, the US embassy said in a report that Vietnam had failed to police its adoption system, allowing corruption, fraud and baby-selling to flourish.

The report described brokers scouring villages for babies, hospitals selling the infants of mothers who could not pay their bills, and a grandmother giving away her grandchild without telling the child's mother. > read more <

Sabtu, 26 September 2009

Director of largest adoption agency in the Netherlands, resigns after pressure of Dutch government

"There are simply not enough healthy, adoptable infants to meet Western demand - and there's too much Western money in search of children. As a result, many international adoption agencies work not to find homes for needy children but to find children for Western homes."

From, 'The Lie we Love', E.J. Graff, associate director and senior researcher at The

Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism

Director of largest adoption agency in the Netherlands, resigns after pressure of Dutch government, to keep quit about the Chinese Adoption Scandals.

Ina Hut,, the director of Wereldkinderen, says that the Central Authority in the Netherlands forced her not do to any investigation regarding the Chinese Adoption Scandals because it might hurt the relationships with the Netherlands. Due the difficult relationship between Ms. Hut and the Dutch government, to keep a transparent overview of the adoption process, especially regarding Chinese Adoptions, she could not continue her work with a clear consciousness, she said in an interview with Netwerk on television last evening.

Hut says, that the economic interest and the push for children by prospective 'adoptive parents' are more prevailing than the interest of children. After almost seven years of fighting, against the corrupt system, from within, she is tired, says Ina Hut in Trouw this morning.

The ministry of justice said in an official response of Hut her resignation, that she wanted to do an 'undercover investigation' and that such a activity would compromise the relationship with China. Ina Hut answered that; she never spoke about an undercover operation but just wanted to have clear answer from both Central Authorities about the stolen and 'trafficked' children from China. Due the unclear situation after the visit of the Dutch Central Authority to China and the ongoing messages of stolen children from China, Ina Hut was questioning the adoptions from China. Wereldkinderen stopped adoption from China this year, except the so-called 'special needs' children.

The final push for Hut to resign was 'Black Thursday', 11 of June this year. The day, when it became clear, that the parliament choose for the interest of would be-parents and the homo-lobby in the Netherlands. After the intimidation of Hut by employees of Ministry of Justice last year to stop 'nosing around' regarding the Chinese adoptions and Black Thursday, Hut's patience was over and she decided to step down and resigned.

With Huts resignation, The Netherlands, and the international adoption community, will loose an important 'whistleblower', says dr. Pien Bos from University Nijmegen this morning in Trouw. Not everybody is regretting that Hut leaves Wereldkinderen. Adoptive parents already responded this morning, to be happy, to see Hut go. Some responded harsh and said that her resign is a relief for would be- and adoptive parents and that Hut was bad for the adoption world.

United Adoptees International finds Huts resignation more than pity, while Wereldkinderen, under management of Hut, changed views from a pure adoption agency (deliverer) to an organisation with heart and mind for adoptees and children. But this stance and view was not welcomed by many organisation and adoption agencies in the Netherlands and abroad. With Hut's statement and resignation, Ina Hut is the first director of an adoption agency in the world, who resigned due the opposition of would be-parents, the homo-lobby and the pressure of governmental bodies to keep the truth behind.

That Ms. Hut decided, more or less was forced, to go, is a very bad signal about the present adoption culture in the Netherlands and abroad. American tactics in all levels of the adoption world has been penetrated in the Netherlands. This is not only worrying but should raise a red flag. It is clear, with Huts resignation as director of the largers adoption agency in the Netherlands, that it is not longer about the interest of children but about the power of the right to get a child. This development is following international phenomena of adopters who claim to have rights above the protection of (single)mothers and fathers who are lacking protection and support. from the international community. The days of helping children with a clear consciousness is over. Adoption became an industry and no one is willing to fight this practice says Joan Hansink, spokeswoman of United Adoptees International.

Additional Articles

China’s adoption system worries Canadian mom

A Nova Scotia mother who adopted a baby from China

HALIFAX — A Nova Scotia mother who adopted a baby from China says she is haunted by questions about whether her little girl — and other Chinese adoptees in Canada — might have been kidnapped from her birth parents, or sold for cash.

"I'm very, very scared," says Cathy Wagner, who wants the federal government to stop all Canadian adoptions from China until fears about the true origins of orphans there can be properly investigated.

This week the Los Angeles Times published explosive evidence that Chinese babies, particularly those in rural villages, had been kidnapped from their parents and sold to orphanages by corrupt adoption officials cashing in on the vast sums of money made available by the foreign demand for Chinese children.

The newspaper also said local authorities had tricked or coerced Chinese families into giving up newborns for adoption, only to sell those children to orphanages.

The paper quoted parents in the provinces of Guizhou and Hunan who said their babies had been stolen, sold, and adopted overseas in recent years. > read whole article <

CBC Radio - Canada

SEP 25, 2009 - As It Happens


For the last few nights, we've been telling you about the problems with international adoptions in China. You've heard stories of Chinese parents who had their children taken from them by corrupt officials, out to profit from the money paid up by foreigners wanting to adopt. And you've heard about adoptive parents who are often unaware that the babies they take home may have been stolen.

But this issue isn't unique to China. Roelie Post monitors the international adoption business for the non-profit group Against Child Trafficking. We reached her in Brussels.

You can listen to it here - starting at around 8.30 minutes:

Jumat, 25 September 2009

Wereldkinderen legt adoptieprocedures Ethiopië voorlopig stil en start nieuw onderzoek

Wereldkinderen legt adoptieprocedures Ethiopië voorlopig stil en start nieuw onderzoek

Wereldkinderen legt tijdelijk de adoptieprocedures in Ethiopië stil. Er worden vooruitlopend op onderzoek voorlopig geen nieuwe adoptieaanvragen in behandeling genomen en lopende procedures worden aangehouden.

Ethiopië is een van de armste landen ter wereld en heeft een nauwelijks ontwikkeld rechtssysteem. Volgens gegevens van Unicef zijn miljoenen kinderen in deze regio wees of halfwees. De positie van vrouwen is achtergesteld. Door grote armoede zijn ouders vaak niet in staat voor hun kinderen te zorgen. Vanuit onder meer de Verenigde Staten is er een grote vraag naar adoptiekinderen uit Ethiopië. Het aantal kinderen dat geadopteerd wordt in het Westen is in vier jaar tijd toegenomen van 854 naar 3031. De grote armoede in Ethiopië en de vraag van westerse landen om in meer adopties te bemiddelen, leidt tot mogelijke misstanden bij adopties uit Ethiopië. Eerder zijn hierover in met name buitenlandse media berichten verschenen.

Wereldkinderen heeft in het voorjaar dossieronderzoek naar reeds afgeronde adopties gedaan. Hieruit bleek dat de achtergrondgegevens van kinderen niet altijd overeen kwamen met de informatie zoals die in de dossiers was opgenomen. Wereldkinderen heeft hierop een analyse gemaakt, het beleid aangepast en nieuw onderzoek geïnitieerd. Dit veldonderzoek naar lopende procedures is inmiddels afgerond maar heeft de twijfels niet kunnen wegnemen. Er zijn opnieuw maatregelen nodig en breder onderzoek in Ethiopië is vereist. In overleg met de Ethiopische en Nederlandse overheid, onze contactpersonen en kinderrechtenorganisaties aldaar zal dit onderzoek worden vormgegeven. De achtergrondinformatie van de kinderen in de 25 lopende procedures zal individueel nagetrokken worden. Per individuele casus zal worden besloten of er sprake is van verantwoorde adoptie en er recht wordt gedaan aan de belangen van het kind en de biologische familie. Alle direct betrokkenen bij lopende adoptieprocedures uit Ethiopië zullen persoonlijk worden geïnformeerd. Zodra meer bekend is over het onderzoek en de uitkomsten daarvan zullen wij dit delen met alle betrokken partijen.

Two Dutch Adoption Agencies Stop with Adoptions from Ethiopia

A large adoption agency in the Netherlands, Wereldkinderen, has temporarily stopped adoptions from Ethiopia as a result recent reports about abuse of the system by the government in Ethiopia and local adoption agencies.

Research done by the adoption agency, shows that the information about the children on file does not match with their actual back ground. In several cases the mothers of the children were still alive, while being listed as deceased.

Last month Wereldkinderen’s executive director Ina Hut, resigned because of intimidation by the Dutch Ministry of Justice in relation to corrupt adoption practices in China.

Euradopt partner Wereldkinderen was alerted of this news and started their own investigation, a task which the Dutch government should have done as member of the Hague Treaty for Adoption.

The Dutch government said it has nothing to do with this situation. At least not before Wereldkinderen finalised their investigation regarding the adoptions from Ethiopia. This is a remarkable comment from the Dutch authorities since they prohibited the proposal for investigation in China recently, which is one of the reasons why former director of this agency decided to resign. It might be, that the interest for trade and diplomatic relationships with Ethiopia is less important for the Dutch government as with China.

This weekend 3-5 couples where preparing to depart to Ethiopia but have been informed not to go.


Political TV "Search a child - pay cash. The Adoption Lobby" - report about so-called humanitarian foreign adoptions

Cologne, "They should make their own children, as I have done it, just as my mother has made us. Have they not the same body

as us? "Marineta Ciofu is outraged. They just explained the woman from the North-eastern Romania that her daughter Mihaela was adopted by Americans. Ten years before Marineta brought the girl into a children's home because at that time she could not care for her. When her situation improved, she wanted to get her back, but the girl had disappeared. Without her consent, Mihaela had been given to an American family.

Marineta's child is just one of some 30,000 Romanian children that were 'mediated' abroad over the past 20 years. Why do international adoption have such influential advocates, what does it mean to those concerned, and who benefits from it? Golineh Atai looks for answers to these questions in her report "Search a Child - pay cash - The adoption lobby" which the WDR television broadcasts on Monday, September 7, at 22 clock.

For over four years, journalist Atai deals with the subject. She had noticed that the reports of international adoption are usually about the adoptive parents, who ardently wish for a child. But hardly anyone asked about the feelings of biological mothers or the children involved. In 2005 she received for the subject "International adoptions in the global children market", a research grant from the Otto-Brenner Prize, which allowed detailed investigations in India.

Behind the help for poor children in reality there are selfish businesses and motives,that also the Dutch Roelie Post knows. Whether it would not be better to help poor parents to help themselves, she wants to know. Roelie Post was from 1999 to 2005 responsible for children’s rights for the European Commission. She should see to it that the international adoptions in Romania would be discontinued. This was one of the conditions for the admission of Romania into the EU.

What Golineh Atai hears from Roelie Post and her former boss Guenter Verheugen, in interviews, is outrageous. Influential lobbyists practice high-level pressure. In particular, the Americans see their "right to adopt" threatened. In the eye of prospective adoptive parents the EU’s policy prevented that "thousands of Romanian children could come home'. That home, of course, was at the other side of the Atlantic.

Together with Roelie Post, Atai was on the road in Romania and visited, apart from Marineta Ciofu, two Romanian families, who adopted children from their own country. But this was a difficult battle, because the authorities and adoption agencies did not want them as parents. Money from abroad, often disguised as donations, were better for them. Police and prosecutors were under one blanket with the Mafia, says a father, who had to fight for five years for Ioana. Three weeks the family hid themselves because the child was already "booked". Roelie Post considers such international adoptions as legalized child trafficking. Golineh Atai’s film shows forcefully that much of what seems humanitarian, ultimately is just an inhumane business.

Monika Herrmann-Schiel (CBA) Monday, 7 September, 22 clock, WDR

Adoption body chief offers to help process Vietnamese cases

CAROL COULTER Legal Affairs Editor

THE CHAIRMAN of the Adoption Board, Geoffrey Shannon, has told the Minister for Children, Barry Andrews, that he is available to travel immediately to Vietnam to assist the Irish embassy there in processing 20 adoptions agreed between the Irish and Vietnamese authorities last summer.

These applications had been received in Vietnam before the expiry last May of the bilateral agreement between the two countries on adoption.

Progress on an interim agreement is awaiting consideration by the Minister of two reports on child protection and adoption in Vietnam. In the meantime adoptions from Vietnam will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Adoption Board.

Mr Shannon also said in a statement yesterday that inter-country adoption “carries inherent risks wherever it is carried out” and that the Hague Convention on inter-country adoptions provides the best available framework for managing those risks. It will be ratified when the Adoption Bill goes through the Oireachtas.

Pending the resolution of issues contained in the two reports, which he said highlighted the need to ensure appropriate arrangements to safeguard any adoptions, the board had advised the Minister it was seeking the assistance of the Department of Foreign Affairs in processing these 20 applications...> read whole article <

Der Balkan Kinderhandel geht unverändert weiter

Der Balkan Kinderhandel geht unverändert weiter

zondag 26 juli 2009, 9:14:23 | noreply@blogger.com (navy)

Freitag, 24. Juli 2009

Sex Industrie: Kind für 1000 Euro

Stephan Fuchs – Die Not ist groß – so groß, dass Mütter ihre Kinder für 1000 Euro verkaufen. In Mazedonien, aber auch in Neapel werden Zigeuner Kinder für 1000 Euro verkauft. Im vorliegenden Fall an einen Türken. Quellen berichten, dass viele der Kinder in illegalen Bordellen wieder auftauchen. Noch schlimmer ist das Schicksal jene Kinder, die in dunklen Gefängnissen einer ausgewählten Schar perverser ausgeliefert werden. Die Verliese sind in Deutschland, Österreich, Italien und Frankreich. Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit auch in der Schweiz.

Die ersten drei geborenen Kinder (15, 13 und 9) verblieben der Familie und wurden von den Großeltern adoptiert. Das vierte, ein zweieinhalb jähriges Mädchen, wurde durch die Mutter ohne Einwilligung des Vaters an die Mafia verkauft. Aus Not, Hunger und vor allem aus Unwissenheit: Die neapolitanische Mafia, Hochburg der Gomorra, fand leicht einen Abnehmer. Jener war Türke und bezahlte 1000 Euro. Der genaue Reiseweg des Mädchens ist unbekannt. Vermutet wird, dass das Mädchen über die Balkan Route schlussendlich in Österreich endete und dann weiter nach Deutschland oder in die Schweiz weitergeschmuggelt worden ist.

Journalisten die versucht haben ähnlichen Geschichten nach zu forschen wurden massiv bedroht, ihre Arbeit und ihre Existenz wurde zerstört. Nicht nur, die Journalisten wurden in einen Hinterhalt gelockt und brutal zusammengeschlagen. Die deutschen Kollegen hatten keine Chance. Offensichtlich ist die Story super heiß.

Frischfleisch auf dem Kindersexmarkt ist gefragt. Einflussreiche politische Persönlichkeiten müssen – auf die eine oder andere Weise ihren Profit daraus erzielen, man erinnere sich an den Basler pädophilien „Tier Kreis“. Für Politiker, aber auch für Ärzte, Anwälte und Manager die sich auf die Grausamkeiten eingelassen haben, steht viel Macht - aber auch ein Instrument zum Druckmittel auf dem Spiel. Untersuchungen werden desshalb verschleppt, oder von der Mafia unterdrückt. Man will verhindern, dass Zigeunerkinder, Kinder aus dem letzten Glied der Gesellschaft - über mafiöse Verbindungen verkauft - zu ihrem Recht und zu ihrem Schutz kommen.
sfux - 24. Jul,

Kommentar: Am Kinderhandel waren ein Albanischer Aussenminister/in* beteiligt und viele Kosovo Politiker bis heute.

* gegen Geld erhielten Mafiöse Gruppen Diplomaten Pässe u.a. auch für den Drogenhandel, was die Fakten des Albanischen Aussenministeriums um Lulzim Basha erneut in 2008-09 aufzeigt. Die Ex-Aussenministerin Artan Dade **(SP Partei) und Ilir Meta, sind und waren direkt in den Kinderhandel verstrickt.

** Die Söhne von Artan Dade, eines Mafia Clans sind in Albanien in Schiessereien ebenso verwickelt und gingen Straffrei aus, weil damals die Justiz ähnlich wie in Deutschland Weisungs gebunden ist und war.


U.S. and EU force reopening international adoptions

Source: Jurnalul National, 23 July 2009 - translated article !

Jurnalul National came into possession of an official document of the U.S. Congress, in which 8 senators and 13 members of the American Congress ask the Romanian Government, since May, to reopen international adoptions. In parallel, the Committee on the Rights of the Child has given the same "advice" following the presentation of the country report of Romania in Geneva on June 5.

American lobby by the hands of Ms. Hilary Clinton – click for image

Romania has become the target of pressure from some interest groups and some foreign NGOs that fight for more than about 5 years to re-open international adoptions from Romania.

In fact, foreigners require the changing of Law 273 of 2004, which brought the regulations necessary to resume international adoptions after a suspension of over three years by the moratorium since 2001. The new law, however, accepts that children can only be adopted by foreigners who are relatives of the children.

Trafficking in children, unable to stop

Last week has come to light a new scandal concerning the illegal adoption of two Romanian minors in Italy, which has reopened the issue of international adoptions, a real battleground between the National Authority for Protection of Child Rights and several members of the European Commission, on the sidelines, and several private groups in the U.S. and EU which require reopening pressure through adoptions made at the highest level, from Western governments to the Romanian authorities. Exclusively Jurnalul National shows you an incredible document, bearing the letterhead U.S. Congress and signed by 20 U.S. senators and congressmen.

The letter, non published until, has been given to the Foreign Minister, Cristian Diaconescu, by U.S. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, in May, when Diaconescu was at an official visit overseas. On top of that, although the document bears the heading U.S. Congress, the signatories declare to be members of a NGO, "The Congressional Coalition on Adoption".

Although the 21 signatories state functions congressmen and senators, they claim to be a simple group of American citizens who require a change to Law 273, which forbids international adoptions of Romanian children. The letter contains two misinformations: the number of children "adoptable" in the U.S. is not 60 thousand, but 129 thousand, according to international statistics, as regards the fate of 84 thousands of Romanian children, the figure is exaggerated, it includes all children who are included in the system of child protection, reintegration into their families or are in family care in Romania.

It has to be said that the Coalition, a private body whose members are senior U.S. politicians, is an initiative of Mary Landrieu, a signatory of the letter, the U.S. senator who has strongly demanded in recent years to resume adoptions from Romania

In July 2006, when President Traian Băsescu visited the United States Senator Mary Landrieu introduced successfully, to vote in the U.S. Senate Resolution 359, which relates only to the ban on international adoptions by the Romanian authorities. And Hilary Clinton was involved in the issue of adoption of children from Romania and Croatia. In 1995, when she was the American First Lady, she spoke in favour of the adoption of 28 children, through the foundation of a Californian pastor, Wayne Coombs, whose organization, Adams Children's Fund, had no license for international adoptions.


The same pressures have resulted in recommendations for the Child Protection Committee of the UN, made following the submission of the country in Geneva from June 5, which was submitted by the Romanian delegation headed by State Secretary Ileana Savu, director of the National Authority for Child Protection. It recognized that external attempts to change legislation forcing Romanian.

Despite bans in force, Ileana Savu leans towards a compromise with countries wishing to adopt children from Romania. "There were and there is pressure. The issue concerns us, but especially to the Romanian Adoptions Office. We have found a new system for national and international adoptions. If we claim we are an EU member state, then we must find mechanisms to control what happens to our children, even if it be adopted in other countries and is not abused. It is okay to forbid a law, that of adoption, so just because we want us. have been pressure from the 90s and are still pressures, especially for children who are already in other countries that can legally remain there, "he said Ileana Savu.

Foreign Minister Cristian Diaconescu, said, exclusively for the National Official, that Romania will keep its position on the issue of international adoptions under current law. He admitted meeting and veracity of the document received from Hilary Clinton in May, meeting with the foreign ministers of Hungary and Serbia, the last Saturday, from Timisoara. "Both in terms of regulations and how they have implemented and the international relations of Romania has not anything new, so it is clear that this view does not intend to make any change, we he said.


International adoptions have become a hot topic immediately after Romania suspended this procedure in 2001. Since then, several Western governments have pressed Romanian politicians for the reopening of such adoptions, particularly through non-governmental organizations, through American congressmen and French, Italian, Spaniard and Germans Euro-parliamentarians, but also by other EU Member States . For example, reopening the international adoptions was "2" on the agenda of talks between Romanian officials and former state secretary of the U.S., Colin Powell, before the acceptance of Romania into political NATO.

Another demonstration of force was made by Silvio Berlusconi, in 2003, when he forced the hand of then Prime Minister, Adrian Nastase, for adoption by Italy of 105 children, although the moratorium signed by Romania forbade this. Interest groups have used the accession to the European Union, to ask repeatedly, to agree with the adoption of children by families in other countries.

The European Commission did a tough battle to halt international adoptions, after it emerged many cases where children were abused or have become victims of trafficking in children. The corridors of these pressures and the European Commission’s fight with the "black market of international adoptions" by foreign NGOs and politicians have been disclosed by Roelie Post, who coordinated the work for child protection in Romania, for the European Commission between 1999 and 2006. The details of this fierce lobbying and blackmail to which Romania has been subject to re-open international adoptions are presented in her book, "Romania - For Export Only, the untold story of the Romanian orphans", a book that got no attention whatsoever in our country.



As we where used to do, we will also collect the week-overview of the UAI bulletinboard for historic reasons. So it might sometimes necessary to find earlier linked articles for adoptees who do research.


January - Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1



December - Week 52

December - Week 51

Week 50