Sabtu, 26 September 2009

Director of largest adoption agency in the Netherlands, resigns after pressure of Dutch government

"There are simply not enough healthy, adoptable infants to meet Western demand - and there's too much Western money in search of children. As a result, many international adoption agencies work not to find homes for needy children but to find children for Western homes."

From, 'The Lie we Love', E.J. Graff, associate director and senior researcher at The

Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism

Director of largest adoption agency in the Netherlands, resigns after pressure of Dutch government, to keep quit about the Chinese Adoption Scandals.

Ina Hut,, the director of Wereldkinderen, says that the Central Authority in the Netherlands forced her not do to any investigation regarding the Chinese Adoption Scandals because it might hurt the relationships with the Netherlands. Due the difficult relationship between Ms. Hut and the Dutch government, to keep a transparent overview of the adoption process, especially regarding Chinese Adoptions, she could not continue her work with a clear consciousness, she said in an interview with Netwerk on television last evening.

Hut says, that the economic interest and the push for children by prospective 'adoptive parents' are more prevailing than the interest of children. After almost seven years of fighting, against the corrupt system, from within, she is tired, says Ina Hut in Trouw this morning.

The ministry of justice said in an official response of Hut her resignation, that she wanted to do an 'undercover investigation' and that such a activity would compromise the relationship with China. Ina Hut answered that; she never spoke about an undercover operation but just wanted to have clear answer from both Central Authorities about the stolen and 'trafficked' children from China. Due the unclear situation after the visit of the Dutch Central Authority to China and the ongoing messages of stolen children from China, Ina Hut was questioning the adoptions from China. Wereldkinderen stopped adoption from China this year, except the so-called 'special needs' children.

The final push for Hut to resign was 'Black Thursday', 11 of June this year. The day, when it became clear, that the parliament choose for the interest of would be-parents and the homo-lobby in the Netherlands. After the intimidation of Hut by employees of Ministry of Justice last year to stop 'nosing around' regarding the Chinese adoptions and Black Thursday, Hut's patience was over and she decided to step down and resigned.

With Huts resignation, The Netherlands, and the international adoption community, will loose an important 'whistleblower', says dr. Pien Bos from University Nijmegen this morning in Trouw. Not everybody is regretting that Hut leaves Wereldkinderen. Adoptive parents already responded this morning, to be happy, to see Hut go. Some responded harsh and said that her resign is a relief for would be- and adoptive parents and that Hut was bad for the adoption world.

United Adoptees International finds Huts resignation more than pity, while Wereldkinderen, under management of Hut, changed views from a pure adoption agency (deliverer) to an organisation with heart and mind for adoptees and children. But this stance and view was not welcomed by many organisation and adoption agencies in the Netherlands and abroad. With Hut's statement and resignation, Ina Hut is the first director of an adoption agency in the world, who resigned due the opposition of would be-parents, the homo-lobby and the pressure of governmental bodies to keep the truth behind.

That Ms. Hut decided, more or less was forced, to go, is a very bad signal about the present adoption culture in the Netherlands and abroad. American tactics in all levels of the adoption world has been penetrated in the Netherlands. This is not only worrying but should raise a red flag. It is clear, with Huts resignation as director of the largers adoption agency in the Netherlands, that it is not longer about the interest of children but about the power of the right to get a child. This development is following international phenomena of adopters who claim to have rights above the protection of (single)mothers and fathers who are lacking protection and support. from the international community. The days of helping children with a clear consciousness is over. Adoption became an industry and no one is willing to fight this practice says Joan Hansink, spokeswoman of United Adoptees International.

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