Senin, 28 September 2009


K & T Mediation from U.S.

United States: regular mediation

Dutch Adoption Foundation, Future Child completed US contracts for the conduct of regular procedures with:

  • Illien Adoptions International
  • VIDA
  • Advocates for Children and Families
  • Family Resource Center.

For entering into contracts with a few other US accredited organizations are consultations at an advanced stage.

Both Illien Adoptions International and VIDA mainly children are eligible for adoption from the foster care system, where they often temporary but cannot stay for a long placement. These are children are approximately 4.5 years. There are regularly triblings and siblings available. All forms of impending parenthood are accepted.

Via Advocates for Children and Families and Family Resource Center mainly young children are offered which cannot be placed within the U.S. and are available for international adoption.

Advocates for Children cannot accept requests of same sex couples, since the Florida State law does not permit such adoptions.

The Family Resource Center has however indicated that they only occasionally have the opportunity to place a child with couples of the same sex. Due preference by the biological parent (s).

From all prospective adoptive parents are expected to master the English language.

Statement Adoption Agency World Children after Resignation of Ina Hut

The resignation of Ina Hut, as director of World Children (Wereldkinderen) due the television broadcast of the Network program, created many responses.

World Children has noted the announcement that the Ministry of Justice agrees with further research in China. In consultation with the Ministry it will be investigate how the coming research of World Children can answer outstanding questions as far as possible. Within the framework of international treaties and domestic legislation will be seen how the additional research can be pursued.

World Children will remain in dialogue with the Ministry of Justice and other concerned parties to highlight the importance of openness on background information to and to prevent any abuses. Knowing the background of the child is the first step in determining whether the adoption assistance does fits the child and is also indispensable for adoptees and their adoptive families.

Wereldkinderen finds that growing up in a loving family is preferable than growing up in an orphanage. There are many children in Chinese orphanages. That is a fact.

Pending the investigation regarding ongoing adoptions in China will be continued, but new applications for healthy children will not be purseud.

World Children continues to focus on adoption of children who need special care.

K & T stops Partial Mediation from U.S.

On Monday, Aug
ust 24 Foundation Children and Future (stichting Kind en Toekomst) informed both Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldstein. Tara Gutterman (ARC) that the foundation will end all efforts to come to an agreement for regular adoption procedures.

After many years of negotiations Kind & Toekomst could come to the conclusion that the request for transparency and openness in communication were inadequate to continue the contact for adoptions.

Kind and Toekomst says that with the above conclusion it cannot be longer responsible for finding an agreement to pursue and contract for regular adoptions.

However the Foundation will finalize all current procedures for partial mediation with Michael Goldstein adn ARC.

All stakeholders have also been informed.

Pending are 61 letters concerning Partial mediation through ARC and 45 letters by Michael Goldstein.

Merger Adoption Agencies in the Netherlands

The Foundation FLASH will hand over their activitities to the NAS. Flash said that due the stricter and complicated regulations they are not able to continue adoptions as before.

The NAS is relatively a new player in the adoption field. The NAS is representing many 'modern prospective adoption parents' who believe in partial mediation and so-called doing-self adoptions.

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