"Why didn't you say something before?" That's the one of the very first questions my Adoptive Mother asked me when I went from being a silent adoptee to a very out-spoken adoptee. Here I was, all of a sudden, correcting the stereotypes, advocating for an adoptee's validity in valuing all of their various family ties (biology, adoptive etc.), wanting OBCs unsealed, supporting others in their reunions, pointing out a broken system, and voicing critiques about adoption in-general.
She was surprised, likely not only because I hadn't been sharing something with her, but also because I am an out-spoken person in-general. Why, in one area of my life, I would be so quiet (which lead people to believe I had no thoughts and feelings on it), when I was so open about everything else? She initially mistook advocacy for unhappiness and felt like she could have done something differently when raising me so that I would have been "happier."
A previous post of mine "Silence = Success?" has me thinking about this topic.
"Why didn't you say something before?"
My initial response? - read the rest at Amanda's Weblog
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