Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

EU Presents New Adoption Resolution as Child Protection ?

Adoption in the EU: ensuring children's right to a family life

Citizens' rights − 19-01-2011 - 14:00

Plenary sessions

Adoption, and where necessary international adoption, should be encouraged, so as to give children who are abandoned or at risk of becoming institutionalised in orphanages a family life, says the European Parliament in a resolution approved on Wednesday.

The resolution, presented by EPP, S&D, ALDE, ECR and GUE groups, stresses the need to protect a child's right to a family life and preclude the need for long stays in orphanages. It was approved by a show of hands.

Adoption or an alternative family care solution, such as foster and residential care, should preferably take place in the child's country of origin. Failing this, an adoptive family should be found in another EU Member State, says the text. Placing a child in institutional care should be the very last option and also a temporary one it adds. In cases of international adoption, Member States should recognise the "psychological, emotional, physical and social/ educational implications" of removing a child from his or her place of origin and offer appropriate assistance to the adoptive parents and the child. National authorities are also asked to report periodically on the child's development to his or her country of origin.

Facilitating adoption within the EU

All EU institutions should play a more active role in the relevant international fora so as to facilitate international adoption procedures, and remove unnecessary bureaucracy whilst safeguarding children's rights, say MEPs.

The institutions should also explore the possibility of co-ordinating the use of the international adoption instrument at EU level, whilst bearing in mind that adoption is a Member State competence. Co-ordination could, for example, improve assistance in information services, preparation for inter-country adoption, processing of application procedures, and post-adoption services.

Preventing child trafficking

The resolution insists that all EU institutions and countries must participate actively in the fight against child trafficking for adoption.

Proper control of all adoption documents, including birth certificates, is essential to remove doubts over a child's age or identity. A reliable system of birth registration can prevent child trafficking for adoption, notes Parliament, adding that all the requisite legal measures should be put into place to facilitate mutual recognition by Member States of adoption-related documents.

REF. : 20110119IPR11957

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