Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Who is going to pay for extra expenses if adopted child is not what was wished for

Mr. Frank Visser geeft advies in Artis

Mr. Visser krijgt bezoek van meneer en mevrouw Dragt. Zij hebben hun zoontje Marcel op 5-jarige leeftijd geadopteerd uit Slowakije. Eenmaal in Nederland blijkt Marcel een behoorlijke geestelijke achterstand te hebben. Had het adoptiebureau de familie niet moeten waarschuwen? En wie draait er op voor extra kosten van de verzorging van Marcel?

Lees meer hierover op De Wereld is van Iedereen
Adoptive parents in the Netherlands got an adoptive child from Check Republic. It seems that the adoption agency did not inform them that the child had serious mental development problems. Should the agency have warned the adopters and who is going to pay for the extra expenses to take care of the child ?

Adopters are obliged to follow the national adoption preparation course as part of the adoptionprocedure.
Due to the adoptionprocedure the Dutch Adopters are well informed about possible risks of (special needs) adoptions.

In the tv program the judge tries sees comparisons to another case (jurisprudence) of the child who should never have been born. The judge Mr. Vissr LLM in this case connects adoption with this case to a rightful birth of an natural child. He even suggest the adoptive parents to get in touch with one of his friends who is an injury law specialist. The case went into court and the court decided that the adoptive parents do not have the right on a expense claim.

Again, this case shows the inevitably, that the lawsystem and the receiving countries undoubtedly are focussed on the support of adopters and adoptive parents. That only a court ruling can stop the initial idea of to have 'productrights' on the bought subject.

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