Rabu, 04 November 2009


Because this bill is the culmination of all our work

Because the government is finally taking us seriously

Because you want to be part of the positive change

Come to the public hearing on our adoption bill,

written by us and for us, and organized by us

at the South Korean parliament

Tuesday Nov. 10, 2009, 10 AM – 12:30 PM
National Assembly Conference Room #128.

Line 9 National Assembly Station exit 6 (국회의사당역).

(See attached flyer for printable map and great artistry.)

Please bring your RESIDENCY CARD or PASSPORT in order to enter.

Professional English simultaneous interpretation and translation of documents will be provided.

For the first time a bill will be presented that reflects the needs and incorporates the experiences of the adoption community (adoptees, family, and unwed mothers), a bill created not by the government nor by adoption and social welfare agencies, but instead created by those in the adoption community itself: TRACK, ASK, KoRoot, unwed mothers who are raising their own children, and our allies the Gonggam Lawyers.

The adoption community needs your sick days.

As the driving force behind this bill, the adoptees have to come out to show our bill’s sponsor that we support this work as much as she does. It will be this bill against the government’s bill when it comes time to vote. So please be present for this historically important moment for our community.

Look, we don’t take missing a day of school or a day off of work lightly, but we also need you that morning. The reason you get sick days and why language institutes, like Yonsei, allow up to 10 absences is FOR DAYS LIKE THESE, whose importance outweighs your duty to go to class or work. This is about using those sick days so you can be part of a strategic intervention that will shape the RIGHTS of YOUR community. Your language skills or career won’t be ruined by missing one day of class or work; your friend can always lend you her notes…and you can just blame it on the swine flu.

TRACK 진실과 화해를 위한 해외입양인 모임

PayPal: truthreconcile@gmail.com
우리은행 1002-738-888382


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